Early Learning Connection Registration: Workshops: Workshop Section Details
NOTICE: Registration deadline is one week before workshop date. Participants will be notified of cancellations due to weather or other circumstances via the email they provided for registration. Registrant cancellations will be accepted until the registration deadline. A 100% credit will be given for use toward the registration fees for another Central Region Early Learning Connection sponsored workshop within the same grant year of the original workshop.

Workshop SectionWorkshop SectionGuias de aprendizaje temprano en español: ciencia ~ October 12, 2024
RegistrationRegistrationClick here to register for this section.
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 Early Learning Connection
Primary ContactPrimary ContactMaricela Novoa
Facilitator(s)Diego Gamero
DescriptionEste taller proporciona información para apoyar el aprendizaje de los niños pequeños en el dominio de la ciencia.

Para descubrir el desarrollo de los niños dentro del dominio de las ciencias
Examinar las investigaciones actuales sobre las actitudes relacionadas con la ciencia y cómo promoverlas.
Para explorar el proceso científico y cómo usarlo con niños pequeños
Explorar formas de crear un entorno propicio para el descubrimiento científico
Descubrir formas de utilizar el proceso científico
Examinar formas de compartir información con los padres sobre el aprendizaje de las ciencias de los niños pequeños

Competencia básica: planificación, experiencias de aprendizaje y plan de estudios - Pensamiento científico

Material requerido para la clase: Estándares de aprendizaje y desarrollo para bebés y niños de Nebraska
Puede descargar el PDF de los estándares desde los siguientes enlaces (inglés) (español) o enviar un correo electrónico a adillon@esu10.org para solicitar que se le envíe una copia impresa.

El certificado se cargará automáticamente en la cuenta del Sistema de registro profesional de la primera infancia de Nebraska (NECPRS, por sus siglas en inglés).

This workshop provides information to support young children's learning in the domain of science.

To Discover Children’s Development within the Science Domain
To Examine Current Research of the Attitudes Related to Science and how to Promote Them.
To Explore the Scientific Process and how to use it with Young Children
To Explore Ways to Create an Environment Conducive to Scientific Discovery
To Discover ways to use the Scientific Process
To Examine Ways to Share Information with Parents about Young Children’s Science Learning

Core Competency:   Planning, Learning Experiences and Curriculum - Scientific Thinking

Required material for class: Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards

You can download the Standards PDF from the following links (English) (Spanish) or email mnovoa@esu10.org to request a hard copy be mailed to you.

Certificate will be automatically uploaded to registrant's Nebraska Early Childhood Professional Record System (NECPRS) account.
LocationTeaching Tree, Grand Island
StatusStatusThis section is currently below the required number of registrations needed.
0 Registered
30 Minimum; 5 Maximum; 2 Lunch Count
Section Date(s)
DateStart TimeStop Time
October 12, 20249:00 AM 3:30 PM
Registration DeadlineOctober 5, 2024
Add to CalendarCalendarAdd to my calendar
PrerequisitesPrerequisites: None
AudienceAudience: Early childhood educators of all learning environments
Pricing Information
 Who     Registration Fee     Default Price 
 per person      $30.00  Yes 

Materials RequiredMaterials Required: Nebraska’s Birth to Five Learning and Development Standards
Materials FeeMaterials Fee: $0.00
LunchYes, lunch is provided.