Early Learning Connection Registration: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopExecutive Function: The Development of Focus and Self-Control
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 Early Learning Connection
Default ContactDefault ContactAlexandra Dillon
Default LocationDistance Learning Zoom Platform
Research shows that executive function skills affect school readiness, school success, college graduation rates, work and life success; and these skills can be taught and encouraged at any age.  These sessions (2 hour information session with a 1 hour "coaching" follow up session) focus on fun, everyday activities, including using children's books, that educators and providers can use to promote and support the development of an essential executive function skill.

-Participants will explore the difference between focus and self control
-Discuss the impact of stress on self control 
-Participants will learn strategies to foster attention, remembering  rules, thinking flexibly, and exercising self control.

PrerequisitesPrerequisites: None
AudienceAudience: Early childhood educators of all learning environments
Materials RequiredMaterials Required: 0
