Early Learning Connection Registration: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopPyramid Module 2B: Enhancing Emotional Literacy Skills and Problem Solving
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 Early Learning Connection
Default ContactDefault ContactAlexandra Dillon
Default LocationDistance Learning Zoom Platform
DescriptionThis module training will focus on how to teach social emotional behaviors in young children including problem solving skills and emotional literacy.

Participants will:
1. Be able to discuss why it is important to be intentional about teaching social emotional skills.
2. Be able to define emotional literacy and identify activities that build “feeling vocabularies”.
3. Understand the importance of providing opportunities for children to begin to understand their own, as well as others’ emotions.
4. Understand why children need to learn to control anger and handle disappointment and identify strategies to teach anger management skills.
5. Understand the importance of teaching problem solving and identify problem-solving steps.
6. Make a plan for implementing strategies they learned in the training.

PrerequisitesPrerequisites: Pyramid Modules 1A, 1B, and 2A
AudienceAudience: Child Care Providers/Educators
